
Broken Baubles: A Survival Guide from an Expert on Holiday Heartbreak

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The holiday season is in full swing, filled with festive decorations, seasonal lattes, and plenty of social gatherings. However, if you’re going through a breakup, this time of year can feel particularly challenging. Suddenly, you find yourself navigating the holidays alone and facing questions about your relationship status. But fear not! Dealing with a breakup during the holidays doesn’t mean your season can’t be merry and bright. Dr. Sarah Schewitz, a licensed psychologist and founder of Couples Learn, shares some tips to help you make the most of your holiday season after a breakup.

1. Prepare yourself emotionally:

Anticipate that friends and family may ask about your recent breakup during holiday gatherings. Prepare responses to common questions or comments in advance so you can redirect the conversation elsewhere. For example, kindly acknowledge their question and then shift focus by asking about their own lives or interests.

2. Set boundaries:

If you’re not ready or willing to discuss your breakup with nosy relatives or acquaintances at gatherings, let a trusted family member know beforehand so they can support you in deflecting any probing comments that may arise. Be clear with friends and family about whether or not you want to discuss the breakup when seeing them.

3. Fill your social calendar:

Surround yourself with supportive friends and family during this difficult time by planning fun social events together. Reach out to loved ones for invitations to spend the holidays together if you had originally planned to be with your ex-partner.

4. Be gentle with yourself:

Allow yourself space for healing by practicing self-love and self-compassion throughout the holiday season. It’s okay to experience moments of sadness; just remember that there are good things ahead for you too! Take time for self-care activities like crying it out if needed, talking through your feelings with someone supportive (such as a friend or therapist), treating yourself to massages or delicious takeout meals while enjoying feel-good holiday movies. Remember, the pain will pass, and you deserve a happy holiday season.

By preparing emotionally, setting boundaries, surrounding yourself with loved ones, and practicing self-care, you can navigate the holidays after a breakup with grace and find joy in this festive season once again.

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