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Deciphering the Meaning Behind His Kiss: 20 Telltale Signs

The guy you like finally kissed you. By doing that, he cleared away any dilemmas: he wanted you.

But what be the kiss as meaningful to him as it? Is it for you? Or did he continue with his life as if it had never happened?

What if you two were drunk at a party? What if it was part of a truth or dare game? The bottom line is that you have no idea if the smooch meant anything to him, while it meant the world to you.

Luckily, you no longer need to rack your brain with these questions. Here are the bulletproof signs that the kiss meant something to him!

Here are 20 compelling signs that the kiss had a significant impact on him

If your guy behaves like this, one thing is for sure: you’ve rocked his world.

  1. He continues kissing you

One of the first noticeable signs is that the kids that that he keeps on kissing you. He not only puts a soft kiss on your lips, but he also goes for a French kiss.

The kiss lasts an eternity, but you enjoy it to the max. If the kiss meant nothing to him, he would immediately pull away.

On the other hand, when a man is in love with you, he won’t only kiss your lips. He’ll kiss your entire face, including your cheeks and your forehead. He might even give you a hand kiss after he’s done with your lips.

  1. He initiates contact

This guy doesn’t want you out of his life. And now, since he kissed you, it’s apparent that he doesn’t want to be just friends either.

He keeps making excuses to stay in touch with you. Maybe he decided not to talk about your passionate kiss, but something between you changed after it happened.

He calls you, texts you, and asks you to hang out… At first, he invites you out as part of a group. Don’t let this discourage you.

No, this is not a good sign that he wants to be friends. He’s just afraid of rejection, but at the same time, he wants to spend time with you. He probably hopes that your kiss will happen again spontaneously.

But that’s not all: he slides into your DMs and sends you funny memes and random GIFs. Trust me – this is his comic, cheesy way of courting you.

  1. He wants to label your relationship

It’s not a big deal for some people when a guy kisses a girl. Some people sleep together and don’t consider it a big deal.

However, you’re dealing with an old-fashioned gentleman. For him, the only meaning of the kiss is related to a romantic relationship.

You know how it was back in the old days. When a man and a woman kissed, they were officially dating, no questions asked. Well, this is how he thinks, too.

That is why he would have only made the first move if he saw you as girlfriend material. And he has no problem telling you he wants you to become his girlfriend.

This man wants to label your relationship right away. He’s not interested in playing games and wants the real deal.

No situationships, no almost relationships, no friends with benefits, no casual romances, no hookups… He wasn’t playing truth or dare when he kissed you – he knew exactly what he was doing.

  1. He asks if you enjoyed it

If a guy asks you if you liked the smooch afterwards, it’s one of the most significant signs that the kiss meant something to him. However, he’s too shy to be the first one to admit it.

So, instead of telling you how crazy he is about you, he’ll ask for your confirmation. He wants you to be the first to say to him that your body released oxytocin when your lips locked, that you had the best kiss of your life, that you’re head over heels for him, and so on.

Only when you declare your love for him in this manner will he follow and tell you the kiss also meant the world to him.

Here’s some dating advice: this is not the time to play hard to get. Be honest, and tell him that you liked the kiss very much. If you do, he’ll open up as well.

But what if you would prefer something different about the smooch? Look, this is just the first time you guys kissed – there will be plenty of room for improvement and opportunities for you to tell him what he could do better.

  1. He tells you he liked it

However, some guys aren’t shy about their feelings, guys who won’t mind opening up to you after kissing you.

You’ve hit the jackpot if your man is one of these people. You don’t have to overthink the entire situation and do your best to become a mind reader suddenly. Everything is out in the open.

He tells you how much he liked the kiss, and that’s more than enough.

But wait, I know what you must be thinking right now. You believe that this doesn’t mean much. Just because he liked how his mouth touched yours doesn’t mean he sees your kiss as a big deal.

Well, let me tell you that you couldn’t be more wrong. If the kiss meant nothing to him, he wouldn’t have bothered mentioning anything – he would go on with his day as if nothing had happened.

  1. He texts you right away

How does he behave after your first kiss? Does he pretend like it never happened? Or does he text you right after you part ways?

The answers to these questions are crucial. If a man initiates contact after the kiss, it’s a clear sign that your physical contact meant something to him.

It’s even better if he calls instead of texting. This way, you can take him more seriously. However, a cute text message will be enough – maybe he’s too nervous to call you immediately.

The point is that he wants you to stay in touch.

What if he texts you but doesn’t mention the kiss? That’s perfectly fine, too. He doesn’t want to make the situation awkward. Instead, he’s decided to go with the flow and see where things take you both.

And if he sends you a kiss or heart emoji, it’s safe to interpret it as a real kiss.

  1. He uses his hands a lot

When a guy uses his hands a lot while kissing you, you assume he wants something more than a gentle smooch, especially if you two share a passionate kiss. And I mean, who could blame him?

It’s clear that he’s madly attracted to you, so it’s no wonder he wants to take it a step further. Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean he is trying to use you just to get laid.

This man is really into you and has been waiting for this opportunity for too long. And now, he finally got it.

After all this time, he can hold your face in his hands and explore your body at least a little bit. So if he’s using his hands, he’s not doing it because he wants to take advantage of you.

It’s just that his body feels an uncontrollable need for yours. He doesn’t want to break physical contact even after the kiss.

  1. … but respects your boundaries

However, a man who cares for you deeply will always respect you. That means that no matter how turned on, he will always respect your boundaries.

He won’t grab you anywhere inappropriate unless he gets a clear green light that it’s okay with you. He will start with a soft kiss and wait for you to accept his lips before the kiss becomes more intense.

  1. The place and the timing were special

When a man is in love with a woman, the romantic side nobody even knew he had suddenly awakened. Just like that, he becomes more creative than a director of the best romcoms in the world.

That is precisely what happened to your guy. He wasn’t even aware that he had such a vivid imagination.

This man has thought every detail through. He didn’t want to kiss you at a party while you were tipsy. Instead, he made sure the timing and the place for your first kiss were particular.

I’m not saying he took you to a rooftop restaurant for a candlelit dinner. That would be too much. After all, he’s not asking you to marry him.

But he made sure the place was special for you two. It might be the cafe you met for the first time or the concert of your favourite band.

He knows that he’ll remember this kiss forever and wants it to be stuck in your memory for eternity as well.

  1. Eye contact is everything

Every relationship expert will agree with me: it’s impossible to stress the importance of eye contact in every human interaction, especially romantic ones. You can guess which type of kiss a man will give you just based on how he looks at you.

Well, his eyes will also help you determine if the kiss meant something to him. He can play hard to get as much as he wants, but if you look deeply into his eyes, you’ll see the truth.

A man who cares about you and loves you will maintain prolonged eye contact before and after you kiss. Of course, he’ll keep his eyes closed during the kiss to enjoy the moment fully.

But what if he looks away after he kisses you? Well, that doesn’t have to be a bad sign, either.

It’s just that he’s too nervous to look you straight in the eye. He’s scared that you’ll see how vulnerable he is. He‘s worried that you’ll figure out he wanted to kiss you a while ago – he didn’t dare to do it.

  1. No mind games and mixed signals

If the kiss means nothing to a guy, you won’t know where you stand with him. It won’t change your relationship; you’ll still play the cat-and-mouse game.

You’ll be left wondering why he kissed you. Was he drunk? Was it some dare? Did he feel like it at the moment? Did he ever think about it afterwards?

On the other hand, one of the signs the kiss meant something to him was that there would be no mind games and mixed signals. A guy who cares about you will never put his ego above your emotions and happiness.

He’ll be clear about his intentions instead of playing hard to get. He won’t pretend to be the nicest guy in the world one day to vanish from your life the next.

He’ll pursue you and never treat you as his backup plan. This man will immediately give you the place you deserve in his life. And the best part is that you won’t have to fight to get it.

  1. He invites you on a date

It’s pretty simple: if a man likes you, he wants to spend time with you. This is why this guy invites you on a first date right after your first kiss.

And he specifically calls it a date. He doesn’t ask you to hang out with a bunch of friends, and he doesn’t run into you while you’re both clubbing.

He makes an effort to plan an actual date, he calls or texts you to inform you about the time, he makes reservations, he comes and picks you up, he takes you out to a nice dinner, he takes you back home, and, of course, he kisses you back.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Sadly, most guys act like this requires too much time, money, and energy.

I’m not saying that he has to take you out somewhere fancy. But it will be enough to treat you like a lady for the night.

  1. His friends know you two kissed

Why would he talk to his friends about you if you meant nothing to him? I mean, it’s not like he slept with you, so he is bragging to everyone about it. In that case, it’s a red flag that he is a douchebag who doesn’t know how to respect a woman.

On the other hand, if he ran off and told his friends that he stole a kiss from you, it could only mean one thing: this particular moment was a big deal for him.

This guy couldn’t be happier to have kissed you. He is proud of being close to such a catch.

Or he has been into you for so long that his friends were dying to hear the good news. And now they all act like high-school teenagers: they’re looking at you two and smiling. Or perhaps they even jokingly ask when the wedding will be.

They’re all cute about it because they know how important you are to their friend.

  1. He is stalking your social media

All of a sudden, this guy is the first one to check your Instagram and Snapchat stories. He even replies to most of them – he sends a fire or a heart emoji or makes a funny comment.

He comments on all your posts or slides into your DMs for no reason.

Also, your best friends tell you that they’ve caught him snooping around their social media. Don’t worry; he is not planning on making a move on them – he is just trying to see what you’ve been up to.

If a guy is stalking your social media after your first kiss, it is one of the signs that the kiss meant something to him. This is especially true if you two weren’t familiar with each other’s lives before the kiss.

The first thing he wants to find out is your relationship status. He wants to know whether there is someone special in your life and if it’s safe to make a move on you.

If he knows you’re single, he is investigating what men could be a threat to him. Men do the same things we do – they’re just usually better at hiding it.

  1. He gets all jealous

You two are not in an official relationship just yet. He is not your boyfriend, so technically, he has no right to get all jealous and possessive.

It’s not like he can order himself not to feel a certain way. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he’d die if he saw you with another guy. As far as he is concerned, you two have sealed the deal.

You see that he is trying hard to hide his jealousy, but it’s pretty evident that he wants you to himself. 

He can’t stand the idea of seeing you talk to another man; he asks many questions about your whereabouts and suddenly starts to hate all your male friends.

  1. The kiss was slow and long

If a guy cares for you, he won’t immediately go for a passionate kiss. Instead, the kiss will be slow and long.

You know precisely what I’m talking about – it will look exactly like in those cheesy romantic comedies. This type of kiss is deep and meaningful, similar to his feelings for you.

He won’t kiss you the moment he approaches your lips. Instead, you’ll be able to feel his breath beneath your nose. His hands will explore your entire face and hair, and he’ll look you deeply into your eyes.

After that, he’ll proceed to glance over your lips. He will only put his lips on yours and move to French kiss you.

  1. He didn’t say a word afterwards

What if the guy wasn’t verbal after the kiss happened? He’s usually very talkative and never silent.

But now, things are different. He kissed you and just continued staring at you afterwards.

Well, congratulations, it looks like you’ve left this man speechless. He is nervous, he is fidgeting, and his heart is racing like crazy. He blushes, his knees are shaking, and his palms are sweating.

If someone looked at him, they would think he had just kissed a girl for the first time in his life. Well, that’s exactly how he feels.

Don’t worry; this is not a bad sign. If he’s left tongue-tied, it can only mean one thing: he’s too stunned to speak.

  1. He doesn’t rush you

Don’t get me wrong – this guy is dying to touch your entire body. He would probably rip your clothes off at that exact moment.

But he wants you to know that he’s not here for one thing only. He’s ensuring you don’t feel pressured into doing anything you’re uncomfortable with. It’s okay if you want to take things slow – he’s ready to wait an eternity to have you.

After all, let’s not forget that this is just the first time you are kissing – you have plenty of time to go further.

  1. He smiled in the middle of the kiss

This is probably one of the most significant signs that the kiss meant something to him – he smiled in the middle of the smooch. He didn’t plan on doing it, but it was more substantial than him.

He was so happy that he was finally kissing the object of his affection that he had to smile. Everything can be seen in his facial expressions!

  1. He talks about the future

A man who takes your kiss seriously will start discussing the future soon. No, I’m not saying he should ask you to marry him immediately – that would be creepy.

But even if he doesn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, he’ll include you in his plans. Of course, I’m talking about the short-term future here.

Let’s say New Year’s Eve is approaching. He won’t ignore your existence and proceed with his plans as if you didn’t exist. Instead, he’ll ask you if you want to join him.

Or he’ll suggest you two go to a movie the next day. What is there to wait for?

Can A Kiss Tell You How He Feels?

Yes, kissing can tell a lot about a man’s emotions – you must be observant and notice his body language signs afterwards.

For example, if a guy kisses you aggressively, it’s a sign that he’s attracted to you. There is powerful chemistry between you two – nobody can argue against that. Nevertheless, there is probably no emotion if he is never gentle during a kiss.

On the other hand, if he is shivering while his heart is racing, he has feelings for you. If he goes in for a slow kiss, he has deeper emotions for you besides only physical attraction.

How Do You Know If He Thinks You’re A Good Kisser?

If a guy thinks you’re a good kisser, he won’t pull away while you are kissing. On the contrary, this man can’t get enough of your lips and act like he doesn’t want the kiss ever to stop. He’ll do it again and again and again!

Also, he’ll keep finding excuses to kiss you, even after your first kiss. If you get to the bedroom, there will be much French kissing involved. Yes, this man is dying to touch you, but nothing compares to his feeling when your lips intertwine.

Often, a guy will tell you that he thinks you’re a fantastic kisser. He wants to compliment you and for you to know how much he enjoys kissing you.


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