
Morning Mastery: 10 Habits That Propel Successful Women Before 9 AM

If you’re a wellness or corporate girly, you’re no stranger to morning routines. Your social media feeds are flooded with the “Get Ready With Me” for my 9-5 or the “My 5-9 Before My 9-5” trends. These videos not only have an #aesthetic appeal but also provide inspiration and ideas for incorporating new practices into your own morning routine to optimize your day and life.

However, sometimes it can be overwhelming to navigate through all the information and find what truly resonates with you. That’s why I’m here to help! After listening to hundreds of podcasts, reading blogs, and watching thousands of morning routine videos, I’ve compiled a breakdown of the different components that successful women incorporate into their morning routines. This way, you can pick and choose what makes the most sense for you.

Let’s dive into the 10 things successful women do before 9 am:

1. They prepare the night before:

Successful women know that decision-making in the morning can drain energy and lead to decision fatigue throughout the day. To combat this, they set themselves up for success by preparing ahead of time. This includes setting out clothes for work or workouts, organizing gym gear if needed, prepping meals or snacks in advance, getting breakfast ingredients ready-to-go, and reviewing their calendar so they know what lies ahead.

2. They don’t waste time:

Snoozing is not part of a successful woman’s vocabulary! They understand that hitting snooze only leads to feeling groggy and less productive throughout the day. Instead of relying on extra sleep cycles from snoozing alarms repeatedly, they prioritize getting up at their desired time by placing their phone away from their bed or investing in an alarm clock placed across the room—forcing them to physically leave their bed.

3. They hydrate:

Water is key! Upon waking up after a long night’s sleep (you know, #science!), successful women understand the importance of rehydrating their bodies. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning can help boost energy levels and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

4. They focus:

One of the most critical things successful women implement in their morning routine is taking time to review their goals and intentions. Mornings provide an opportunity to ground oneself and remind themselves of what they are ultimately striving for. This can be done by creating notes or affirmations on their phone, sticking post-it notes with affirmations on mirrors, or using habit trackers to stay accountable and track progress towards goals.

For work-related goals, they take a look at what’s on their agenda for the day and remind themselves of the larger career aspirations they are working towards—setting them up for success throughout the day.

5. They move:

It’s no surprise that movement is a key component of a successful woman’s morning routine. Prioritizing physical activity before starting work helps boost energy levels, improve focus, and promote overall well-being. While some may have time for intense workouts at the gym or online classes like pilates or yoga, others keep it simple by going for short walks or engaging in stretching exercises at home. The important thing is to find what works best within your schedule and preferences.

Bonus points if you habit stack! Listening to a meditation session or an inspiring podcast while moving can enhance both physical and mental well-being simultaneously.

6. They breathe in fresh air:

Successful women don’t forget to stop and smell the roses—or any other flowers! In addition to movement, it’s important to prioritize getting outside each morning (especially during non-winter months) even if it’s just for a minute or two. Taking deep breaths of fresh air while soaking up some vitamin D can do wonders for boosting mood, clearing the mind, and setting a positive tone for productivity throughout the day.

7. They practice good energy:

This is the fun part! Successful women believe that how you decide to face the day is how it will go. They start their mornings with a positive attitude and mindset. This can be achieved in various ways, depending on personal preferences. Some may choose to listen to their favorite playlist, journal about dreams and aspirations, listen to an inspiring podcast or audiobook, meditate on their future self-growth, or simply practice being present in the moment.

Remember, this will look different for everyone—maybe you want to dance around your house to Camp Rock (just like me!). The key is choosing activities that make you feel lucky and uplifted in the morning so that your day unfolds for you rather than happening to you.

8. They take care of themselves and their space:

Successful women understand the importance of self-care and maintaining a clean environment. Making beds, cleaning breakfast dishes promptly, and not skimping on skincare routines are all part of taking care of oneself physically and mentally. It’s essential to find self-care practices that work for you—whether it’s indulging in a lymphatic face massage, dry brushing before showering, or even taking cold showers if they invigorate you.

9. They keep it simple:

While incorporating all these components into your morning routine would be amazing if time allowed for it every day—it’s not always realistic! Successful women have learned over time that incorporating just one or two things daily can still make a significant impact on overall well-being and productivity levels. Some days may allow for more activities while others require simplicity due to time constraints or other factors.

Remember that life ebbs and flows; adjusting your routine accordingly while giving yourself grace during different seasons of life is crucial.

10. They keep it fun:

As much as we admire those who wake up at 4 am for intense workouts followed by meditation sessions and elaborate breakfasts—we don’t have to do it all. Crafting your own morning routine should be a joyful experience that aligns with your preferences and brings light into your life. It shouldn’t feel like a burden or something you absolutely dread. So, as you create your routine, give yourself permission to make it fun and personalized to what truly lights you up.

Remember, the key is to find what works best for YOU. Experiment with different components, try them out for a month or so, and see what resonates most with your lifestyle and goals. Adapt as needed to accommodate the ebb and flow of life while maintaining a positive mindset throughout the process. You’ve got this!

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